
Complete dentures are removable prostheses where we use the lining of the mouth saliva and jaw bone to have the necessary stabilization to carry out the masticatory function, the best articulation of words, and facial aesthetics.

The material used in making dentures are usually acrylic or valplast, a material which is more flexible than the acrylic. These types of prosthesis are better tolerated by patients in the upper jaw, because the mucosa has a greater surface and it does not interfere with speaking as in the case of lower dentures where the surface for retention is smaller and has the tongue which can makes stability difficult, too.

However, there are many people who fit perfectly with complete dentures and are able to chew and speak very well using this type of prosthesis.

The dentures can greatly enhance their own stabilization when implants are placed to assist in the retention and stability. In this case they are called overdentures. What is actually being given to the patient with this type of removable prosthesis are more comfort and security chewing, speaking, and beauty in an aesthetic point of view.

Some examples of healthy do’s and don’ts with dentures can be found here.

Full Denture and The New Smile

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